4 Smart Things to do Before Your Next Math Class Starts

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4 Smart Things to do Before Your Next Math Class

By Maxwell Owolade

Benjamin Franklin once said that “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. I encourage you to think about this quote in relation to your education. The unfortunate reality is that far too many students set themselves up for failure in the classroom by not preparing enough.

As the new session starts, you want to carefully review these golden tips so you can look back at the end of the session and give yourself a pat on the back.

If you are a student who has struggled with math class in the past, let us help you turn a new leaf moving forward. Math class can seem intimidating if you naturally struggle with the subject. You may be moving onto a more challenging math class, you might really need an “A” grade, or you could be trying to get on the math team. Here are some things that students who succeed in math classes do that you can replicate with some effort and an open mind.

1.  Determination Stems from Strong Motivation

Firm determination will lead to strong performance in class. This determination does not just come out of nowhere – it stems from the motivation that you have inside of you. If you are struggling with motivation, just think of why you want to do well in the class. Think about it intensely, because you want that to fire you up and make you want success more. Think about where you plan to be in five year from today. Think about how you want to help our society heal and how you plan to approach it. Also, think about how you want to be supportive of the community that has given you much, how do you plan to give back? Your motivation from within will show by your action not just words alone.

2.  Avoid Negative Peer Pressure – it will hinder your success

Negative peer pressure will always stand in the way of success in life. You should always try to avoid negative influences, especially in school. Stay away from people who are not taking math class seriously and be the architect of a better example for these types of students. Who knows, maybe they will even follow your lead! Always remember the end of every good character story – honesty and hard work might have its up and down, but in the end, it always pay off in huge way, so we encourage you to be the architect and the actor that bring the best to the table. It’s a known fact that most of the students that excel in math do well in other subjects. So your determination and self-motivation will yield huge dividend overall.

3.  Try Hard and Study Ahead

A student who gives more effort will almost always outperform a student who does not. This means asking the teacher for extra help, spending more time in the library, and carefully going through your textbook. If you want a place that you can work hard to get better results, come to Practical Math Academy, where there is something for everyone because at least everyone can afford it.

Another tip we always share with out students is to get the math objective at the beginning of every semester, ask your teacher or counsellor for one, know ahead what you will be covering in class. Study ahead, and practice. When the teacher gets to the difficult topic, you will be able to ask clarifying questions, that will be helpful to you and your classmates. This will save you the time for other homework.

4.  Respect Your Teacher and be Ready to Learn

It is very important to respect your teacher, as they are the ones who want you to succeed. They are filled with the knowledge that you are seeking, so if you show respect to them, they will most likely show respect back to you. If a teacher notices that you are trying your hardest to learn the material, they will be more willing to want to lend a helping hand. Teachers reward the students who are respectful and put in the most effort.

Please remember to be the good architect that saves the day. Set a social responsibility goal for yourself – I will always turn negative attitude positive each and every time. This attitude will help and carry you through life. Teachers are in classroom because they want to see you succeed in life.


These four tips will help you immensely when it comes to succeeding in math class. Next time you find yourself in a math class or math setting, challenge yourself to try these tips out. After putting them to use, be sure to leave a comment below and let us know of your experience!

Maxwell O

Maxwell O

At Practical Math Academy, we understand how much efforts you all put into learning math compared to other subjects. To all the parents and students of math, we strongly believe your efforts should be recognized and be applauded every day, for your determination, hard work and perseverance to excel at what you are learning. Be rest assured, we are rooting for your success!

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