Please Don’t Be Afraid of Math | Read this Full Article

Please Don’t be Afraid of Math

Perhaps, there’s no subject with the widest and common application as Mathematics. From the everyday money management to calculating our body’s fat percentage, math is used everywhere. Undoubtedly, mathematics is important in our everyday lives as humans. This necessity of math in our everyday activities makes it a vital subject that must be mastered by all.

However, mathematics is arguably the most feared subjects. For most students, studying mathematics is akin to jumping from a cliff. It is dreaded!

Why is Mathematics Dreaded?

One of the main reasons why students fear mathematics is the spread of the misconception that math is a difficult subject. Right from young, students have been made to believe this, hence, psychologically, they lack the desire to confront the subject. This consequently leads to failure and further deepens their hatred for it. It’s a foundational problem!

Another misconception that contributes to the declining interest in mathematics is that students believe that mathematical problems can only be solved by super-brilliant students. These students see themselves as unintelligent enough to grasp math concept and often do not make effort to learn and practice. Granted, mathematics is a logical subject. However, one does not need to be an Albert Einstein to understand maths concepts.

Also, the fear of math can be attributed to poor number assimilation. Many students, on sighting numbers, develop fear and fright that makes learning difficult. Since math is a subject of numbers, students will find it difficult to grasp simple topics like addition, multiplication etc., not to speak of complex mathematical concepts.

Furthermore, mathophobia – the fear of math – is so deep-rooted that students and even parents consider poor performances in mathematics as normal. More regrettable is the fact that many children develop anxiety around mathematics right early in life. Math, to them, is the devil himself and must be avoided at all cost!

Tips and Remedy to Overcome the Fear of Math Exams

To overcome the fear of Math, students must first replace their misconceptions with a genuine interest in the subject. Teachers have a huge role to play in developing this interest by breaking down mathematical concepts into smaller steps.

Students must also endeavor to create time to practice after class as mathematics require constant practice. With practice, there’ll be a change in performance and attitude. In addition, teachers should make sure students understand basic concepts first before explaining complex ones. Math concepts and methods are like brick walls. New concepts and methods build on preceding ones.

Lastly, to ensure and quick understanding, teachers must adopt simple methods rather than complex ones in teaching concepts to students.

These cures and many others are very available. We have free Math videos, well packaged to help you improve your skill throughout your time in school. Our mathematics videos are also designed to teach you effective strategies to prepare you for success before the day of your text or examination. With us, you can ace your Math exams!


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